
Layers are the building blocks of a Neural Network. They are the individual neurons that are connected to each other to form the network. Each layer has a specific number of neurons and an activation function.

class NeuralNetPy.layers.Dense

Bases: Layer

Initializes a Dense layer, which is the backbone of a Neural Network.

  • nNeurons (int) – The number of neurons in the layer

  • activationFunc (ACTIVATION) – The activation function to be used, defaults to SIGMOID

  • weightInit (WEIGHT_INIT) – The weight initialization method to be used, defaults to RANDOM

  • bias (int) – The bias to be used, defaults to 0

    import NeuralNetPy as NNP

    layer = NNP.layers.Dense(3, NNP.ACTIVATION.RELU, NNP.WEIGHT_INIT.HE)
typeStr(self: NeuralNetPy.layers.Dense) str

Returns the type of the layer.

class NeuralNetPy.layers.Dropout

Bases: Layer

Initializes a Dropout layer, it’s a layer that simply applies a dropout to the input.

  • rate (float32) – A float between 0 and 1. It represents the fraction of the inputs to drop.

  • seed (int) – An integer used as random seed. If not provided a random seed will be generated.

typeStr(self: NeuralNetPy.layers.Dropout) str

Returns the type of the layer.

class NeuralNetPy.layers.Flatten

Bases: Layer

Initializes a Flatten layer. The sole purpose of this layer is to vectorize matrix inputs like images.


inputShape (tuple) – The shape of the input matrix (rows, cols or number of pixels per row and column in the case of images)

    import NeuralNetPy as NNP

    layer = NNP.layers.Flatten((3, 3))
typeStr(self: NeuralNetPy.layers.Flatten) str

Returns the type of the layer.